The Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) completed for the Central Coast Blue Project pursuant to the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State CEQA Guidelines is available for review below. Certification of the Final EIR will be considered by the City Council on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. Information on the meeting format and venue will be available in the official meeting agenda posted at
View the Final Environmental Impact Report at the links below.
Appendix A Notice of Preparation and Scoping Meeting Materials
Appendix B Reverse Osmosis (RO) Concentrate Sampling Plan Results
Appendix C Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Modeling
Appendix D Biological Resources Assessment (revised)
Appendix E Cultural Resources Assessment – CONFIDENTIAL*
Appendix F Energy Calculations
Appendix G Hydrogeologic Evaluation
Appendix H Noise Data and Modeling
Appendix I Paleontological Resources Assessment
Appendix J AB 52 Consultation Letters
Appendix K Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Appendix L Streambed Percolation Analysis
*Note: This document contains sensitive and confidential information concerning archaeological sites, including maps and other sensitive information. As such, this report is not available for public distribution. Archaeological site locations are exempt from the California Public Records Act, as specified in Government Code 6254.10, and from the Freedom of Information Act (Exemption 3), under the legal authority of both the National Historic Preservation Act (PL 102-574, Section 304[a]) and the Archaeological Resources Protection Act (PL 96-95, Section 9[a]).
View the CEQANet listing here.
In addition to the Final EIR and appendices provided above, the following documents constitute the Administrate Record for the Central Coast Blue Project and available for review at the following links: